

joel posted,

I am eleven years old I know little Stevie and his dad I was skating with little Stevie and his dad helped me make a pair of sliding gloves and I'm just learning to slide now and I would like to go to a sliding session with Stevie and his dad Stevie's dad wants me to say hi to everyone down at Landyachtz :)

2012 October 22 12:39 AM

moment replied,

hey joel,

stoked your stoked! skate awesome n wear your gear

as we learn to get better at things, consider working on your grammar n' syntax. instead of linking every thought with "and", break them down using periods and other punctuation, such as commas. if you wanna get real stylee, consider using a semicolon; however, it can be the equivalent of riding switch down a gnar hill.

keep on keepin on!

2012 October 22 11:49 AM